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The Top 5 Tips You Need to Follow If You Want To Build a Successful Home Care Website

Let’s face it: In this digital age, customers want to be able to find you and your services wherever they are. As an Adult Family Homeowner and provider, you are probably already thinking about creating a website for your business.

In this blog post, we will discuss the top 5 tips that you need to follow in order to build a successful home care website. Let’s get started...

Make sure your website is easy to navigate:

When people visit your home care website, they’re doing it either because they’re ready to find a new place to call home at your company or they’re trying to find out more information about available AFH’s near their area. So, if your website isn’t easy to navigate, you’re making it that much harder for your target audience to find the information they’re looking for.

To make sure that information is easy to find on any device, you should ensure that your website is optimized for both mobile and desktop devices. This will make it easier for your customers to navigate your site from their smartphone or computer.

If you notice that your customers are having trouble navigating your site, try to find out why that is.

Some potential reasons include:

  • Is the site too cluttered?

  • Does the site load too slowly?

  • Are the available services communicated clearly?

  • Is your business contact information, locations, etc., correct?

Once you pinpoint the problem, take action by fixing it. Your website is the first impression most customers get of your business. If it’s cluttered or slow, you’re only putting your business in a bad light.

Use high quality images and video:

Customers want to know what they’re getting into when they decide to move from their homes into an Adult Family Home. Specifically for senior care, you need to be transparent to your audience. One way to be transparent is to show your audience the environment where these services are provided. This helps them know what they can expect from your AFH.

For example, as a senior home care service provider, you can take pictures of a kitchen and living room to show your audience the shared dining and socializing spaces in your home. You can also use video to give your customers a behind-the-scenes look at your business. This video would show your customers how your employees interact with each other, how they prepare home cooked meals, and even how peaceful & rejuvenating your AFH is.

Additionally, some AFH providers hire videographers that can put together a 360-degree video tour of your home. This video is an excellent tool for highlighting everything that your business has to offer.

Include testimonials from delighted customers on your website:

In some cases, you may or may not be able to display customer testimonials on your website. However, if you can, it’s a fantastic way to build trust with prospective families and potential residents.

In fact, 93% of residents families say that reviews and testimonials make them more likely to contact an AFH directly and to request a tour of the facility.

This is because reviews and testimonials are an excellent source of social proof. To find testimonials, you can ask existing and prior residents/ or their family members to write reviews on their experience interacting with Adult Family Home.

 Don’t forget to measure what’s working and what’s not:

You’re probably excited to start reaching potential residents through your online presence. You might even decide to start social media marketing to announce your AFH vacancies. Or you might decide to post on online forums to reach out to new residents. Remember, each of these channels will have different metrics to measure.

For example, if you decide to post on forums, you might want to measure how many posts you make and how many replies you receive. If you decide to start with social media marketing, you might want to measure how many followers you gain each month. Or you might want to measure how many likes and shares your posts receive. These are all important to measure since they can show you what is not working and where you can improve.

Remember, start out with one new thing at a time so that you can not only save money, but also so that you do not get overwhelmed with updating so many different platforms. When overwhelmed you may start missing direct messages or communications from your those who have questions about your facility.

Be sure to include a Call-to-Action on all your pages:

A Call-to-Action is a prompt that tells your customer what they should do next. It’s an excellent way to lead your customers to take the next step in their AFH finding journey.

For example, if you’re trying to get potential residents to tour your AFH, a Call-to-Action would be “Contact us today to schedule a tour!”

For your AFH care website, make sure that you have a Call-to-Action on every single page. If you’re not sure what your Call-to-Action should be, try asking yourself the following questions:

  • What do potential residents want?

  • What problem are they trying to find a solution to?

  • What are they hoping I can help them with?

Now that you know the top 5 tips you need to follow if you want to build a successful AFH website, what are you waiting for? Start by making changes to your website today or by booking our design services to get your AFH in front of more potential residents!

Before you know it, you’ll be busy providing exceptional care to a full home. And, who knows? With a successful website, you might just be able to grow your AFH beyond what you ever imagined.

Image Credit: Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash