Frequently Asked Questions – AFH Provider – Self Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions – AFH Provider – Self Assessment

Self Assessment for Potential Adult Family Home Providers

The following assessment was primarily developed by a group of adult family home providers with many years experience in running adult family homes.  It is the intent of the assessment to give you as clear a picture as possible of the considerable demands of running an adult family home.

Answer yes, no, or sometimes, to the following questions that best describes your response to each statement. 

  • I am patient with other people’s mistakes.

  • I can be alert and calm and awake in the middle of the night, even after a long day.

  • I can take verbal abuse and still forgive.  I do not hold a grudge.

  • I am comfortable asking others for help.

  • I can place the needs of others ahead of my own wants.

  • I am comfortable taking care of residents of the opposite and same sex.

  • I have experience and am comfortable taking care of people who are elderly, who have mental illness or developmental disabilities who are not related to me.

  • I deal with emergencies without panic.

  • When planning schedules, I can be thoughtful of the needs of staff, residents, and residents’ families.

  • I am aware and prepared to give up most of my privacy because I will be sharing my home with residents.

  • Confrontation with staff and resident’s families does not intimidate me.

  • I follow established procedures and do not cut corners.

  • I can keep abreast of the regulations and laws that govern adult family homes.

  • I am tolerant of other cultures and points of view.

  • I respect other’s rights, privileges, and privacy and strive never to control or manipulate others.

  • I save money for a crisis and routinely plan ahead.

  • The financial risks of owning a business or incurring debt do not frighten me.

  • I promptly pay my bills.

  • I speak English clearly and am easily understood.

  • I am in excellent health and have a lot of energy.

  • I am organized and efficient.

  • I am able to follow the instructions of doctors and nurses who give me care directions for residents in my home.

  • I can cope well when cherished residents may pass on.  I am able to comfort the dying and relatives of those who are dying.

  • I am prepared financially and emotionally for the length of time it may take to get licensed.

  • I am able to take and act on constructive criticism regarding areas of my work needing improvement.

If you answered yes to 18 or more of 25 questions, you may understand the nature of the adult family home business. 

Before making the decision to become licensed as an adult family home, talk to other adult family home providers and ask to spend time in their homes.  Ask lots of questions before committing to opening up your own adult family home.

More Information

For additional information about requirements to operate a licensed adult family home, you may visit the website:


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Frequently Asked Questions – Annual Fees

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