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Best Practices for Medication Management in AFHs


In Adult Family Homes (AFHs), ensuring the health and well-being of residents is paramount. A cornerstone of this care lies in the meticulous management of medications. Given the complexity of multiple medications for various ailments, accurate and organized medication management is critical. It minimizes risks, enhances efficacy, and ensures residents’ safety. This article delves into the best practices for medication management in AFHs.

1. Comprehensive Training for Staff:

Understanding Medications: Staff should be familiar with the medications residents take, their purposes, and potential side effects.

Administering Techniques: Proper training ensures that medications are administered correctly, whether oral, topical, or injections.

2. Regular Medication Reviews:

Routine Checks: Regular reviews of a resident’s medication list can help detect redundancies, interactions, or necessary changes in dosage.

Involvement of Healthcare Professionals: Engage pharmacists or physicians in these reviews for expert insights.

3. Implementing a Reliable Medication Administration Record (MAR):

Digital Systems: Using electronic MARs can reduce human error, ensuring accurate tracking of medication administration.

Regular Updates: Any change in medication should be promptly reflected in the MAR to maintain its accuracy.

4. Safe Storage Practices:

Locked Cabinets: Medications should be stored in secure, locked cabinets that are only accessible to authorized personnel.

Temperature Monitoring: Some medications require specific storage temperatures. Ensure they're stored in a controlled environment to maintain their efficacy.

5. Timely Refills and Inventory Checks:

Avoid Running Out: Regularly check medication inventories to ensure that there's no risk of running out.

Dispose of Expired Medications: Old or expired medications should be safely discarded to avoid accidental ingestion.

6. Clear Documentation and Labeling:

Easy-to-Read Labels: All medications should be clearly labeled with the resident’s name, medication name, dosage, and administration times.

Maintain a Centralized Record: Apart from MARs, maintain a comprehensive record of all residents’ medications for easy reference.

7. Encouraging Resident and Family Involvement:

Educate Residents: If appropriate, educate residents about their medications, empowering them to be involved in their care.

Open Communication: Regularly update families about any medication changes and encourage them to voice any concerns or provide insights.

8. Monitor for Side Effects and Reactions:

Stay Vigilant: After administering medications, observe residents for any adverse reactions or side effects.

Maintain a Reaction Log: Document any side effects or adverse reactions. This log can be crucial for healthcare providers when assessing medication plans.

9. Ensure Proper Administration Techniques:

Right Dosage and Time: Always ensure that the correct dosage is given at the prescribed times.

Cross-Check with MAR: Before administering, cross-reference the medication with the MAR to avoid mistakes.

10. Establishing Clear Policies and Procedures:

Standard Operating Procedures: There should be clear guidelines on medication procurement, storage, administration, and documentation.

Emergency Protocols: Procedures should be in place for managing medication-related emergencies or errors.

11. Encourage the Use of Single Pharmacy:

Consistency: Using a single pharmacy can ensure uniformity in medication packaging, labeling, and even in understanding potential drug interactions.

Build a Relationship: Developing a relationship with one pharmacy can facilitate smoother communication, especially during emergencies.

12. Technology Integration:

Medication Dispensing Systems: Automated systems can help in accurate dispensing, reducing human error.

Alerts and Reminders: Using systems that provide reminders for medication administration times ensures no doses are missed.


Effective medication management is a critical aspect of resident care in AFHs. With the potential risks associated with medication errors, it becomes imperative to adopt meticulous and systematic practices.

By ensuring comprehensive training, employing technology, encouraging open communication, and consistently reviewing processes, AFHs can ensure the health, safety, and well-being of their residents. In the end, it's not just about administering medications; it's about fostering an environment of trust, safety, and the utmost care.

***Disclaimer: Always follow Washington State DSHS Medication Management requirements. Medication management requirements as defined in WAC 388-78A-2210 through 2290 and WAC 388-76-10430 through 10490.  ***



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